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    JC PC Remand Duty & other Judicial Work Order for the Month of september 2023 Dated 28.08.2023
    Accessible Version : View(102 KB)
    Revised Remand Duty Order for the Month of August 2023 Dated 24.08.2023
    Accessible Version : View(68 KB)
    Appointment Order of Clerk Grade-II 23/08/2023
    Accessible Version : View(6 MB)
    Guideline for e-Filing 3.0
    Accessible Version : View(7 MB)
    Notification e-Filing 3.0
    Accessible Version : View(1 MB)
    Rajasthan District Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules 1986 (as amended upto 24.06.2021)
    Accessible Version : View(210 KB)
    Accessible Version : View(209 KB)
    Rajasthan Subordinate Courts Ministerial Establishment Rules, 1986
    Accessible Version : View(177 KB)
    Regarding expeditious disposal of cases u/s 138 of the N.l Act 27/07/2023 Regarding expeditious disposal of cases u/s 138 of the N.l Act
    Cyber Security Guidelines for Government Employees
    Accessible Version : View(387 KB)
    Local Holiday 2023
    Accessible Version : View(596 KB)
    “Intenal Complaints Committee”(The Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act.,2013)
    Accessible Version : View(462 KB)
    Accessible Version : View(60 KB)
    Supreme Court of India Public Notice – F.No. 1/RR(Scanning)/2014/SCI Dated: 24.11.2015
    Accessible Version : View(966 KB)
    Supreme Court of India- Judgement – Rajnesh Vs. Neha and Anr.
    Accessible Version : View(716 KB)
    Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Nipun Saxena & Anr. V/s Union of India & others. Writ petition (Civil) No.565/2012
    Accessible Version : View(61 KB)
    Appointment of Commissioner
    Accessible Version : View(690 KB)
    Appointment of Oath Commissioner
    Accessible Version : View(2 MB)
    JC PC Remand Duty Order Month of July 2023 27/06/2023
    Accessible Version : View(93 KB)
    Uploaded by the order of Hon’ble Juvenile Justice Committee
    Accessible Version : View(60 KB)